Hi, I'm Samuel Ray.

I am Samuel Ray.  I have always had a love for computers and technology as far back as I can remember.  I went to Francis Tuttle because I heard they had such great programs to help you excel and get a profession of your choosing.  I inspire to be an Information Technology Specialist.



Designed in Visual Studio Code. No templates

Danforth Insider 

Designed in Photoshop

Video Production Skills Showcase

Showing off my editing skills of Adobe Premiere 


Turned a Black N' White Image Into Color

Designed in Adobe Photoshop

Danforth Difference Maker

Doing an interview of a employee at FTTC Danforth campus. Designed in Adobe Premiere


Francis Tuttle Certifications

Certifications awarded by Credly

Adobe Photoshop

IT Specialist in HTML & CSS

Adobe Premiere

Video Design

Personal Certifications

Certifications awarded by Credly